Life after fifty?
Is there life after 50? I remember the day I got my letter from TRS in the mail.
"Congratulations! You are eligible to retire on or after July 2022."
Retire? As in don't teach anymore? Like, stay home? And do what, exactly?
Travel! Volunteer! Sell real estate? Start my own business? Check out assisted living facilities? I mean, exactly what part of my life is this supposed to be? When you're young, you talk about all the things you want to accomplish one day: family, home, career. You never talk about what will happen after that. I guess I always thought you just retire and quietly fade into the background. But I'm not ready for that. I'm not done yet.
So this is where I am in my life...not ready to retire, but ready. Not wanting to start a new career, but wanting to at the same time. Help me out here...share your life experiences with me.